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/ Over 1,000 Windows 95 Programs / Over 1000 Windows 95 Programs (Microforum) (Disc 1).iso / 0525 / pas.tx_ / pas.tx
Text File  |  1997-04-03  |  405b  |  59 lines

  1. and
  2. array
  3. begin
  4. boolean
  5. Bounds
  6. case
  7. Char
  8. class
  9. const
  10. constructor
  11. destructor
  12. div
  13. do
  14. downto
  15. else
  16. end
  17. false
  18. file
  19. for
  20. function
  21. if
  22. implementation
  23. in
  24. input
  25. integer
  26. interface
  27. label
  28. mod
  29. nil
  30. not
  31. of
  32. or
  33. output
  34. packed
  35. private
  36. procedure
  37. program
  38. protected
  39. public
  40. real
  41. record
  42. repeat
  43. set
  44. SizeOf
  45. text
  46. then
  47. to
  48. true
  49. type
  50. unit
  51. until
  52. uses
  53. var
  54. virtual
  55. while
  56. with
  57. word